Kısraklarda Embriyo Migrasyonu
Year 2024,
, 23 - 30, 30.06.2024
Büşra Özmen
İbrahim Doğan
At embriyosu ile uterus arasında birbiriyle ilişkili bir dizi karmaşık biyolojik mekanizma mevcuttur. Kısraklarda fertilizasyon oviduktun ampulla ile istmus bölümleri arasında meydana gelir ve ovulasyondan 5-6 gün sonra embriyo ovidukt kanalını geçerek uterusa gelir. Embriyo tarafından salgılanan prostaglandin E2 ve prostaglandin F2α uterotubuler kavşaktan embriyonun geçişine izin verir. Embiyonik vezikül uterus lümeninde 9-14. günler arasında mobildir ve 15-17. günler arasında korpus ile herhangi bir kornu uteri arasındaki fleksür bölgesinin kaudalinde sabitlenir ve hemen sonra oryantasyon şekillenir. At embriyosunun uterus lümeninde migrasyonu ve fiksasyon süreçlerinin daha fazla aydınlatılması, gebe kısraklarda kaotik bir sorun olan ikiz embriyo olgularında ve intrauterin cihaz uygulamaları gibi üremenin denetlenmesi konularında hekimlere operasyonel bir çözüm sunar.
Ethical Statement
Etik Beyan Gerekmiyor
Supporting Institution
Destekleyen Kurum Yok
- Allen (Twink), W. R., & Wilsher, S. (2020). Historical aspects of equine embryo transfer. Journal of Equine
Veterinary Science, 89, 102987.
- Antczak, D. F., & Allen (Twink), W. R. (2021). Placentation in equids. Içinde Rodney D. Geisert & Thomas
Spencer (Eds.), Placentation in Mammals (ss. 91-128). Division of Animal Sciences, University of Missouri.
Aurich, C. (2011). Reproductive cycles of horses. Animal Reproduction Science, 124(3-4), 220-228.
- Betteridge, K. J. (2000). Comparative aspects of equine embryonic development. Animal Reproduction
Science, 60-61, 691-702.
- Bonafos, L. D., Carnevale, E. M., Smith, C. A., & Ginther, O. J. (1994). Development of uterine tone in nonbred
and pregnant mares. Theriogenology, 42(8), 1247-1255.
- Budik, S., Walter, I., Leitner, M.-C., Ertl, R., & Aurich, C. (2021). Expression of enzymes associated with
prostaglandin synthesis in equine conceptuses. Animals : an open access journal from MDPI, 11(4).
- Carnevale, E. M., & Ginther, O. J. (1992). Relationships of age to uterine function and reproductive efficiency in
mares. Theriogenology, 37(5), 1101-1115.
- Castro, T., Jacob, J. C., Domingues, R. R., & Ginther, O. J. (2022). Local embryo-mediated changes in
endometrial gene expression during embryo mobility in mares. Theriogenology, 182, 78-84.
- Cochet, M., Vaiman, D., & Lefèvre, F. (2009). Novel interferon delta genes in mammals: cloning of one
gene from the sheep, two genes expressed by the horse conceptus and discovery of related sequences
in several taxa by genomic database screening. Gene, 433(1-2), 88-99.
- Crabtree, J. R. (2018). Management of twins in horses. In Practice, 40(2), 66-74.
- Derar, D.R., & Ali, A. (2016). Conceptual Orientation: A unique phenomenon of the equine pregnancy.
Anatomy & Physiology, 06(02).
- Eser, A., Ak, K., & Mersin, S. (2023). Kısraklarda reprodüktif siklus. Içinde M. K. Soylu, K. Ak, E. Akçay,
A. Baran, M. Evecen, & M. B. Tırpan (Eds.),Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon, Androloji ve YardımcıÜreme Teknikleri (ss. 575-577). Ankara Nobel TıpKitabevleri.
- Ferreira, J. C., Linhares Boakari, Y., Sousa Rocha, N., Saules Ignácio, F., Barbosa da Costa, G., & de Meira,
C. (2019). Luteal vascularity and embryo dynamics inmares during early gestation: Effect of age and
endometrial degeneration. Reproduction in Domestic Animal, 54(3), 571-579.
- Gastal, M. O., Gastal, E. L., Torres, C. A. A., & Ginther, O. J. (1998). Effect of PGE2 on uterine contractility and
tone in mares. Theriogenology, 50(7), 989-999.
- Geisert, R. D., Whyte, J. J., Meyer, A. E., Mathew, D. J., Juárez, M. R., Lucy, M. C., Prather, R. S., & Spencer, T.
E. (2017). Rapid conceptus elongation in the pig: Aninterleukin 1 beta 2 and estrogen-regulated
phenomenon. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 84(9), 760-774.
- Ginther, O. J. (1983). Effect of reproductive status on twinning and on side of ovulation and embryo
attachment in mares. Theriogenology, 20(4), 383-395.
- Ginther, O. J. (1984). Mobility of twin embryonic vesicles in mares. Theriogenology, 22(1), 83-95.
- Ginther, O. J. (1998). Equine pregnancy: Physical interactions between the uterus and conceptus.
Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, 44, 73-
- Ginther, O. J. (2021a). Equine embryo mobility. A friend of theriogenologists. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 106, 103747.
- Ginther, O. J. (2021b). Equine embryo mobility. A game changer. Theriogenology, 174, 131-138.
- Ginther, O. J. (2022). The dynamic equine embryo from postfixation (Day 17) to the end of the embryo stage
(Day 40). Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 108, 103808.
- Gradil, C., Joone, C., Haire, T., Fowler, B., Zinchuk, J., Davies, C. J., & Ball, B. (2021). An intrauterine device
with potential to control fertility in feral equids. Animal Reproduction Science, 231, 106795.
- Grant, D. M., Macedo, A., Toms, D., & Klein, C. (2020). Fibrinogen in equine pregnancy as a mediator of cell
adhesion, an epigenetic and functional investigation. Biology of Reproduction, 102(1), 170-184.
- Griffin, P. G., Carnevale, E. M., & Ginther, O. J. (1993). Effects of the embryo on uterine morphology and
function in mares. Animal Reproduction Science, 31(3-4), 311-329.
- Griffin, P. G., & Ginther, O. J. (1991). Uterine morphology and function in postpartum mares. Journal of Equine
Veterinary Science, 11(6), 330-339.
- Hinrichs, K. (1991). The relationship of follicle atresia to follicle size, oocyte recovery rate on aspiration, and
oocyte morphology in the mare. Theriogenology, 36(2), 157-168.
- Hunter, H. F. (1991). Fertilization in the pig and horse. Içinde Dunbar B.S. & O’Rand M.G. (Eds.), A
Comparative Overview of Mammalian Fertilization (ss. 329-346). Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
- Jones, C. J. P., Aplin, J. D., Allen, W. R. T., & Wilsher, S. (2020). The influences of cycle stage and pregnancy
upon cell glycosylation in the endometrium of the mare. Theriogenology, 154, 92-99.
- Katila, T. (2011). Maternal recognition of pregnancy in the horse. Pferdeheilkunde Equine Medicine, 27(3),
- Lebedeva, FL. F., & Solodova, E. V. (2021). Technological approaches to the problem of double ovulation and
twin pregnancies in mares. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
- Leith, G. S., & Ginther, O. J. (1984). Characterization of intrauterine mobility of the early equine conceptus.
Theriogenology, 22(4), 401-408.
- McKinnon, A. O., Squires, E. L., & Pickett, B. W. (1988). Equine Reproductive Ultrasonography. Içinde Animal
Reproduction Laboratory Bulletin No.04 (ss. 11-20). Colorado State University.
- Meira, C., Ferreira, J. C., Silva, E. S. M., & Ignácio, F. S. (2012). Developmental aspects of early pregnancy in
mares. Animal Reproduction, 9(3), 166-172.
- Nieto-Olmedo, P., Martín-Cano, F. E., Gaitskell-Phillips, G., Ortiz-Rodríguez, J. M., Peña, F. J., & OrtegaFerrusola, C. (2020). Power Doppler can detect the presence of 7–8 day conceptuses prior to flushing in an equine embryo transfer program. Theriogenology, 145, 1-9.
- Okada, C. T. C., Kaps, M., Reichart, U., Walter, I., Gautier, C., Aurich, J., & Aurich, C. (2022). Low plasma
progesterone concentration during the early luteal phase delays endometrial development and the
beginning of placentation in mares. Animal Reproduction Science, 247, 107149.
- Okada, C. T. C., Kaps, M., Scarlet, D., Handschuh, S., Gautier, C., Melchert, M., Aurich, J., & Aurich, C. (2020). Low plasma progestin concentration during the early postovulatory phase impairs equine conceptus development in the late preimplantation phase. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 32, 1156-1167.
- Özdaş, Ö. B. (2023). Atlarda embriyo transferi. Içinde M. K. Soylu, K. Ak, E. Akçay, A. Baran, M. Evecen, & M. B.
Tırpan (Eds.), Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon, Androloji ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri (ss. 596-599). Ankara
Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
- Palmer, E., Duchamp, G., Bezard, J., Magistrini, M., King, W. A., Bousquet, D., & Betteridge, K. J. (1987). Non-surgical recovery of follicular fluid and oocytes ofmares. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 35, 689-
Pierson, R. A., & Ginther, O. J. (1985). Ultrasonic evaluation of the preovulatory follicle in the mare.
Theriogenology, 24(3), 359-368.
- Piotrowska-Tomala, K. K., Jonczyk, A. W., SzóstekMioduchowska, A., Hojo, T., Żebrowska, E., Katila, T.,
Ferreira-Dias, G., & Skarzynski, D. J. (2024). Intrauterine devices influence prostaglandin secretion by equine uterus: in vitro and in vivo studies. BMC Veterinary Research, 20(1), 46.
- Schnobrich, M. R., Riddle, W. T., Stromberg, A. J., & LeBlanc, M. M. (2013). Factors affecting live foal rates
of Thoroughbred mares that undergo manual twin elimination. Equine Veterinary Journal, 45(6), 676-
- Sielhorst, J., Baade, S., Neudeck, K., Tönissen, A., Rohn, K., Hollinshead, F., & Sieme, H. (2024). Success rates
and factors influencing pregnancy outcome after 464 transvaginal ultrasound‐guided twin reductions in
the mare. Equine Veterinary Journal.
- Silva, L. A., Gastal, E. L., Beg, M. A., & Ginther, O. J. (2005). Changes in vascular perfusion of the endometrium in association with changes in location of the embryonic vesicle in mares. Biology of
Reproduction, 72(3), 755-761.
- Smits, K., Willems, S., Van Steendam, K., Van De Velde, M., De Lange, V., Ververs, C., Roels, K., Govaere, J.,
Van Nieuwerburgh, F., Peelman, L., Deforce, D., & Van Soom, A. (2018). Proteins involved in embryomaternal interaction around the signalling of maternal recognition of pregnancy in the horse. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 5249.
- Stout, T. A., & Allen, W. R. (2001). Role of prostaglandins in intrauterine migration of the equine conceptus.
Reproduction (Cambridge, England), 121(5), 771-775.
- Tan, D. K. S., & Krekeler, N. (2014). Success rates of various techniques for reduction of twin pregnancy in
mares. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 245(1), 70-78.
- Varışlı, Ö. (2023). Kısraklarda reprodüktif anatomi. Içinde M. K. Soylu, K. Ak, E. Akçay, A. Baran, M. Evecen, &
M. B. Tırpan (Eds.), Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon, Androloji ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri (ss. 570-572).
Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
- Whitwell, K. E. (2011). Abortion and stillbirths: A pathologist overview. Içinde A. O. McKinon, E. L. Squires, W. E. Vaala, & D. D. Varner (Eds.), Equine Reproduction (second, C. 2, ss. 2339-2349).
- Wilsher, S., Rigali, F., Kovacsy, S., & Allen, W. T. (2020). Puncture of the equine embryonic capsule and its
repair in vivo and in vitro. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 93, 103194.
Embryo Migration in Mares
Year 2024,
, 23 - 30, 30.06.2024
Büşra Özmen
İbrahim Doğan
A number of complex interrelated biological mechanisms exist between the equine embryo and the uterus. In mares, fertilization occurs between the ampulla and isthmus sections of the oviduct, and 5-6 days after ovulation, the embryo crosses the oviduct and comes to the uterus. Prostaglandin E2 and prostaglandin F2α secreted by the embryo allow the passage of the embryo through the uterotubular junction. The embryonic vesicle is mobile in the uterine lumen from days 9 to 14, and from days 15 to 17 it is fixed in the caudal of the flexure zone between the corpus and any uterine horn, and immediately after which orientation is formed. It provides an operational solution to physicians in the migration of the horse embryo in the uterine lumen and further elucidation of the fixation processes, in cases of twin embryos, which is a chaotic problem in pregnant mares, and in the supervision of reproduction such as intrauterine device applications.
- Allen (Twink), W. R., & Wilsher, S. (2020). Historical aspects of equine embryo transfer. Journal of Equine
Veterinary Science, 89, 102987.
- Antczak, D. F., & Allen (Twink), W. R. (2021). Placentation in equids. Içinde Rodney D. Geisert & Thomas
Spencer (Eds.), Placentation in Mammals (ss. 91-128). Division of Animal Sciences, University of Missouri.
Aurich, C. (2011). Reproductive cycles of horses. Animal Reproduction Science, 124(3-4), 220-228.
- Betteridge, K. J. (2000). Comparative aspects of equine embryonic development. Animal Reproduction
Science, 60-61, 691-702.
- Bonafos, L. D., Carnevale, E. M., Smith, C. A., & Ginther, O. J. (1994). Development of uterine tone in nonbred
and pregnant mares. Theriogenology, 42(8), 1247-1255.
- Budik, S., Walter, I., Leitner, M.-C., Ertl, R., & Aurich, C. (2021). Expression of enzymes associated with
prostaglandin synthesis in equine conceptuses. Animals : an open access journal from MDPI, 11(4).
- Carnevale, E. M., & Ginther, O. J. (1992). Relationships of age to uterine function and reproductive efficiency in
mares. Theriogenology, 37(5), 1101-1115.
- Castro, T., Jacob, J. C., Domingues, R. R., & Ginther, O. J. (2022). Local embryo-mediated changes in
endometrial gene expression during embryo mobility in mares. Theriogenology, 182, 78-84.
- Cochet, M., Vaiman, D., & Lefèvre, F. (2009). Novel interferon delta genes in mammals: cloning of one
gene from the sheep, two genes expressed by the horse conceptus and discovery of related sequences
in several taxa by genomic database screening. Gene, 433(1-2), 88-99.
- Crabtree, J. R. (2018). Management of twins in horses. In Practice, 40(2), 66-74.
- Derar, D.R., & Ali, A. (2016). Conceptual Orientation: A unique phenomenon of the equine pregnancy.
Anatomy & Physiology, 06(02).
- Eser, A., Ak, K., & Mersin, S. (2023). Kısraklarda reprodüktif siklus. Içinde M. K. Soylu, K. Ak, E. Akçay,
A. Baran, M. Evecen, & M. B. Tırpan (Eds.),Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon, Androloji ve YardımcıÜreme Teknikleri (ss. 575-577). Ankara Nobel TıpKitabevleri.
- Ferreira, J. C., Linhares Boakari, Y., Sousa Rocha, N., Saules Ignácio, F., Barbosa da Costa, G., & de Meira,
C. (2019). Luteal vascularity and embryo dynamics inmares during early gestation: Effect of age and
endometrial degeneration. Reproduction in Domestic Animal, 54(3), 571-579.
- Gastal, M. O., Gastal, E. L., Torres, C. A. A., & Ginther, O. J. (1998). Effect of PGE2 on uterine contractility and
tone in mares. Theriogenology, 50(7), 989-999.
- Geisert, R. D., Whyte, J. J., Meyer, A. E., Mathew, D. J., Juárez, M. R., Lucy, M. C., Prather, R. S., & Spencer, T.
E. (2017). Rapid conceptus elongation in the pig: Aninterleukin 1 beta 2 and estrogen-regulated
phenomenon. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 84(9), 760-774.
- Ginther, O. J. (1983). Effect of reproductive status on twinning and on side of ovulation and embryo
attachment in mares. Theriogenology, 20(4), 383-395.
- Ginther, O. J. (1984). Mobility of twin embryonic vesicles in mares. Theriogenology, 22(1), 83-95.
- Ginther, O. J. (1998). Equine pregnancy: Physical interactions between the uterus and conceptus.
Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, 44, 73-
- Ginther, O. J. (2021a). Equine embryo mobility. A friend of theriogenologists. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 106, 103747.
- Ginther, O. J. (2021b). Equine embryo mobility. A game changer. Theriogenology, 174, 131-138.
- Ginther, O. J. (2022). The dynamic equine embryo from postfixation (Day 17) to the end of the embryo stage
(Day 40). Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 108, 103808.
- Gradil, C., Joone, C., Haire, T., Fowler, B., Zinchuk, J., Davies, C. J., & Ball, B. (2021). An intrauterine device
with potential to control fertility in feral equids. Animal Reproduction Science, 231, 106795.
- Grant, D. M., Macedo, A., Toms, D., & Klein, C. (2020). Fibrinogen in equine pregnancy as a mediator of cell
adhesion, an epigenetic and functional investigation. Biology of Reproduction, 102(1), 170-184.
- Griffin, P. G., Carnevale, E. M., & Ginther, O. J. (1993). Effects of the embryo on uterine morphology and
function in mares. Animal Reproduction Science, 31(3-4), 311-329.
- Griffin, P. G., & Ginther, O. J. (1991). Uterine morphology and function in postpartum mares. Journal of Equine
Veterinary Science, 11(6), 330-339.
- Hinrichs, K. (1991). The relationship of follicle atresia to follicle size, oocyte recovery rate on aspiration, and
oocyte morphology in the mare. Theriogenology, 36(2), 157-168.
- Hunter, H. F. (1991). Fertilization in the pig and horse. Içinde Dunbar B.S. & O’Rand M.G. (Eds.), A
Comparative Overview of Mammalian Fertilization (ss. 329-346). Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
- Jones, C. J. P., Aplin, J. D., Allen, W. R. T., & Wilsher, S. (2020). The influences of cycle stage and pregnancy
upon cell glycosylation in the endometrium of the mare. Theriogenology, 154, 92-99.
- Katila, T. (2011). Maternal recognition of pregnancy in the horse. Pferdeheilkunde Equine Medicine, 27(3),
- Lebedeva, FL. F., & Solodova, E. V. (2021). Technological approaches to the problem of double ovulation and
twin pregnancies in mares. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
- Leith, G. S., & Ginther, O. J. (1984). Characterization of intrauterine mobility of the early equine conceptus.
Theriogenology, 22(4), 401-408.
- McKinnon, A. O., Squires, E. L., & Pickett, B. W. (1988). Equine Reproductive Ultrasonography. Içinde Animal
Reproduction Laboratory Bulletin No.04 (ss. 11-20). Colorado State University.
- Meira, C., Ferreira, J. C., Silva, E. S. M., & Ignácio, F. S. (2012). Developmental aspects of early pregnancy in
mares. Animal Reproduction, 9(3), 166-172.
- Nieto-Olmedo, P., Martín-Cano, F. E., Gaitskell-Phillips, G., Ortiz-Rodríguez, J. M., Peña, F. J., & OrtegaFerrusola, C. (2020). Power Doppler can detect the presence of 7–8 day conceptuses prior to flushing in an equine embryo transfer program. Theriogenology, 145, 1-9.
- Okada, C. T. C., Kaps, M., Reichart, U., Walter, I., Gautier, C., Aurich, J., & Aurich, C. (2022). Low plasma
progesterone concentration during the early luteal phase delays endometrial development and the
beginning of placentation in mares. Animal Reproduction Science, 247, 107149.
- Okada, C. T. C., Kaps, M., Scarlet, D., Handschuh, S., Gautier, C., Melchert, M., Aurich, J., & Aurich, C. (2020). Low plasma progestin concentration during the early postovulatory phase impairs equine conceptus development in the late preimplantation phase. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 32, 1156-1167.
- Özdaş, Ö. B. (2023). Atlarda embriyo transferi. Içinde M. K. Soylu, K. Ak, E. Akçay, A. Baran, M. Evecen, & M. B.
Tırpan (Eds.), Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon, Androloji ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri (ss. 596-599). Ankara
Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
- Palmer, E., Duchamp, G., Bezard, J., Magistrini, M., King, W. A., Bousquet, D., & Betteridge, K. J. (1987). Non-surgical recovery of follicular fluid and oocytes ofmares. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 35, 689-
Pierson, R. A., & Ginther, O. J. (1985). Ultrasonic evaluation of the preovulatory follicle in the mare.
Theriogenology, 24(3), 359-368.
- Piotrowska-Tomala, K. K., Jonczyk, A. W., SzóstekMioduchowska, A., Hojo, T., Żebrowska, E., Katila, T.,
Ferreira-Dias, G., & Skarzynski, D. J. (2024). Intrauterine devices influence prostaglandin secretion by equine uterus: in vitro and in vivo studies. BMC Veterinary Research, 20(1), 46.
- Schnobrich, M. R., Riddle, W. T., Stromberg, A. J., & LeBlanc, M. M. (2013). Factors affecting live foal rates
of Thoroughbred mares that undergo manual twin elimination. Equine Veterinary Journal, 45(6), 676-
- Sielhorst, J., Baade, S., Neudeck, K., Tönissen, A., Rohn, K., Hollinshead, F., & Sieme, H. (2024). Success rates
and factors influencing pregnancy outcome after 464 transvaginal ultrasound‐guided twin reductions in
the mare. Equine Veterinary Journal.
- Silva, L. A., Gastal, E. L., Beg, M. A., & Ginther, O. J. (2005). Changes in vascular perfusion of the endometrium in association with changes in location of the embryonic vesicle in mares. Biology of
Reproduction, 72(3), 755-761.
- Smits, K., Willems, S., Van Steendam, K., Van De Velde, M., De Lange, V., Ververs, C., Roels, K., Govaere, J.,
Van Nieuwerburgh, F., Peelman, L., Deforce, D., & Van Soom, A. (2018). Proteins involved in embryomaternal interaction around the signalling of maternal recognition of pregnancy in the horse. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 5249.
- Stout, T. A., & Allen, W. R. (2001). Role of prostaglandins in intrauterine migration of the equine conceptus.
Reproduction (Cambridge, England), 121(5), 771-775.
- Tan, D. K. S., & Krekeler, N. (2014). Success rates of various techniques for reduction of twin pregnancy in
mares. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 245(1), 70-78.
- Varışlı, Ö. (2023). Kısraklarda reprodüktif anatomi. Içinde M. K. Soylu, K. Ak, E. Akçay, A. Baran, M. Evecen, &
M. B. Tırpan (Eds.), Hayvanlarda Reprodüksiyon, Androloji ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri (ss. 570-572).
Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
- Whitwell, K. E. (2011). Abortion and stillbirths: A pathologist overview. Içinde A. O. McKinon, E. L. Squires, W. E. Vaala, & D. D. Varner (Eds.), Equine Reproduction (second, C. 2, ss. 2339-2349).
- Wilsher, S., Rigali, F., Kovacsy, S., & Allen, W. T. (2020). Puncture of the equine embryonic capsule and its
repair in vivo and in vitro. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 93, 103194.